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Talking About Lacrosse Principles and Gear

Welcome to my site. My name is Bennett McCavanaugh. I would like to talk to you about the exciting sport of lacrosse. When I first picked up my lacrosse gear, I was confused about how the game would work. In particular, I was unsure about what my role on the field would be exactly. Luckily, I was able to watch a few games and see how the players interacted. My coach also helped us learn about our roles on the field. I would like to use this site to talk about the different ways lacrosse players use the field and their gear. Please visit often to learn all you can about this fun sport.


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Talking About Lacrosse Principles and Gear

Trophy Elk: Subtle Tips That Work

by Julia Hart

Bagging a trophy elk can be a lifelong ambition. Not only are these animals incredibly elusive, but they have also developed a weariness of humans in many of the most hunted areas in North America.

Here's a quick guide you to harvest a trophy elk:

Mind the Tree Line

To avoid predators, while having access to easy access to grass, most elk spend their time meandering between areas slightly above and below the tree line (or timberline). This boundary occurs at the altitude where trees can no longer grow. In the Colorado Rockies, timberline starts at between 11,000 and 12,000 feet. Regardless of where you hunt, finding and stalking the treeline is a way to consistently find bigger trophy elk.

Dawn and Dusk

For much of the day, elk rest in densely overgrown bushes, shrubs, and trees. Even if you manage to find them during the day they aren't likely in areas with an actionable line of sight. Thus, it's critical to stalk elk while they're on the move. Elk are most mobile at dawn and dusk. For elk hunters, this means moving into position before dawn and dusk occur. If possible, camping near an area where you've observed elk or seen signs of elk drastically increases your odds of finding elk when they're on the move.

Stop and Listen

The act of hunting is a balanced mix of movement and stillness. Unfortunately, hunters often forget the necessity of each act. When you're on the move, you should stop periodically and listen. While you listen, attempt to detect subtle changes: the snap of a broken twig, the susurration of grass in the wind, etc. Setting a silent timer on your phone or watch to vibrate every 15 to 20 minutes is an effective way to remember to stop and listen periodically. 

Go Fresh and Natural

The market for "hunting olfactory suppressors" is rife with many products that promise to make your scent invisible to trophy elk. You can save yourself some money by simply suppressing your scent naturally. When you wash your hunting gear, choose a scent-free detergent. The same principle holds true for shampoo, body wash, and cologne. In the days preceding your hunt, avoid the normal personal grooming products that you normally use. Ditching these products makes purchasing "scent suppressors" unnecessary. 

Successfully hunting a trophy elk requires skill and some subtle tricks that allow you to stalk your trophy more effectively. For more information, talk to a professional like Montana Safaris.
